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Education 43 - Government 45 - Public- 47   
Public 8 & HD 1072  -  Education 9 - Government 99
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Public Channel

Stream It!

Bergeron Seminars

Green Hudson

The HudTV Public Channel showcases local programming created by local producers. Public access contributors, as well as the hudtv team, produce content that is informational, entertaining, or has any other general interest to the community. From podcast and gameshows to local business highlights to local seminars, all of your local programming can be found here. We also feature Live public meetings on this channel for people to tune in and stay informed.

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Education Channel

The Education Channel aims to bring the activities and events of Hudson Public Schools to the community. This channel is host to all of the Hudtv sports broadcasts as well as drama performances, school informational content, student produced programming, and any other major event put on by HPS. The Hudtv Studio focuses on incorporating student involvement into content creation and production as often as possible. High school students across many levels and abilities have the opportunity to learn film and broadcast techniques and be apart of a multitude of hudtv productions.

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Government Channel

School Committee meetings

Hudson Historical Society

Select Board meetings

The Government channel is where you can find the rebroadcast of the biweekly Selectboard and School Committee meetings. This channel also provides town government news and highlights of the different town departments.

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